First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code -
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Have you previously adopted from Hank's Haven?
Have you fostered for another organization in the past?
How many adults live at your residence?*
How many children live at this residence full or part time, and what are their ages?*
Does anyone in your household suffer from allergies to dogs or cats?
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, does your landlord permit pets?* Choose one: Yes No Yes with restrictions
If you answered "yes with restrictions" please explain.
How long have you lived at your current address?*
Select your neighbourhood area* Choose one: Rural Suburban Urban
What type of home do you live in? Choose one: Apartment/Condo Townhouse Duplex Single Family Bungalow Single Family multi story Farm Other
Is your yard fenced?* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What type of fence* Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible N/A
Do you have any pets currently living with you?* Choose one: Yes No Other
Please describe your current pets; age gender, type. If you chose other above please provide more information here.*
Are your current pets up to date on their vaccines, or titered?
Are your current pets spayed/neutered?
If you answered no to either of the previous two questions please explain here.*
Veterinarian's name, clinic name and phone number*
Do you want to foster a dog or a cat?* Choose one: Dog Cat Either
If you selected cats or either, please select from the choices below. Select all that apply. Choose all that apply: Male Female Senior Adult Kitten Nursing mother Litter of kittens Bottle fed litter of kittens Cat with medical condition Cat recovering from surgery Cat scheduled for surgery Any of the above
If you selected dog above, please select the type of dog you would like to foster. Select all that apply. Choose all that apply: Male Female Senior Adult Puppy Nursing mother Litter of Puppies Dog with medical condition/on medication Dog recovering from surgery Dog scheduled for surgery Healthy dogs only Any of the above
Do you have experience, special training or skill to deal with the following? (check all that apply) Choose all that apply: Dogs needing quarantine Dogs with allergies Special diet Dogs that are shy/submissive Dogs that are fearful/shutdown Dogs that are dominant/pushy Dogs that are aggressive Dogs that need training
How many animals are you willing to foster at one time?
Where will the animal be kept when you are home*
Where will the animal sleep*
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Why have you decided to become a foster parent?*
Are you applying to adopt a specific animal or as a general application? Please list animal(s) you are applying for.*
Please list two personal references with contact information.*
When anyone comes to the door, your dog starts barking and runs away when you try to remove him from the room. What can you do to help him with this behaviour? *
Your dog is becoming destructive and showing behaviours like digging outside and chewing inappropriate items. What will you do to stop and improve this behaviour?*
Your dog is jumping up on and mouthing your kids for attention , out of excitement, because they want to play. The kids are becoming afraid of her. What will you do to help create a positive and respectful relationship between them?*
Your dog growls at anyone who sits on his chair, and it has scared some friends. No one, including yourself, is allowed on that chair. What can you do to overcome this behaviour ?*